Monday, March 8, 2010

The World of blogging!

Well friends, family and anyone else who may stumble upon my blog, I have joined the world of bloggers! Starting my own blog has been something that I have been thinking about doing for the part year, but never felt that the opinions and things I would write about would not generate interest in others. I have alwyas been a big fan of movies and those that know me know that I have quite the extensive DVD collection. As my collection has grown, I have learned more about what makes a movie more enjoyable depending on my mood.

The outlook that I have for my blog is to provide others with entries about anything and everything movie related. I hope to share the information that I hear about upcoming movies to upcoming dvd releases. As I see movies in the theaters I will provide reviews of what I thought and if it is a movie that will be worth your time to go see. You can expect to see also reviews on movies that are out on DVD whether it be an old time classic that you will want to go rent or if the newest DVD release is worth your money to go out and buy. I will be open to any requests on ANY requests if there is a specific movie you would like to hear my opinion on or feel free to post your own comments and opinions on the movies that I write up reviews for. I look forward to sharing my love for movies with all of you! Stay tuned for my first review will be Alice In Wonderland (IMAX 3D).

-The Movie Man-


  1. I will be anxious to hear your review of Alice in Wonderland... Austin HATED it.... and McKay is dying to go... love your idea here now i can go to your blog to get my movie review.... love ya xo

  2. Love it. Glad you decided to do it!

  3. Look forward to your reviews! As you may or may not know...I love movies, too!

  4. Right down your alley, make sure you review them with me in mind ( jk-I just remember how you would always say if I would like it or not) This should be a fun thing for you
