Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Iron Man 2 Trailer

In case anyone did not stay up super late to see Robert Downey Jr. on Jimmy Kimmel last Sunday after the Academy Awards, Downey Jr. brought with him the new trailer for Iron Man 2. The trailer teases us all with more looks into the plotline, including the introduction of a new nemesis for Tony Stark to battle wits, in a rich Brit named Justin Hammer. Hammer is out to show how much of an antique that the Iron Man suit is by building his own army of robot soldiers with heavy armor. Additionally we get to see more of Stark's longtime friend Rhodes (Don Cheadle) as "War Machine" helping Stark battle off this new threat. With all the cool technology that is being shown in Iron Man 2 they save the best for last. In the original comic Tony Stark used to carry the Iron Man armor with him in a briefcase, just in case he was needed to save the day. In homage to the originial comic, Downey Jr. has a briefcase that holds the armor, but with an added twist that was not how the briefcase was used in the original comic. Well enough of me talking about the trailer. Here is a link to the trailer:
-The Movie Man-

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link Ryan I actually liked the first Iron Man
