Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Moon

Well I know everyone including the women have been on edge waiting to see if I would review New Moon. I know the women have been waiting to see what "The Movie Man" thought of this movie. While I was fortunate enough that Kellianne went and saw this movie in theater with a friend. Tonight I saw New Moon after we got the little man in bed for the night.

New Moon was a leap and bound improvement from the first movie Twilight. Of course the aspect of this that helps the most was the fact that due to the success of Twilight. The success allowed for a bigger budget which led to a more refined end film. The first thing that was very apparent was the special effects, in the first movie the special effects were very cheesy and very amateurish. They spent the time and money this time around to make the special effects seamless so as to flow with the movie. Also Chris Weitz directing helped to really focus the film to telling the story using the music along with the visual effects to give the movie the much needed improvement from Twilight.

This movie gave us a much better look into telling us more about Jacob Black. Of course this meant the introduction to showing us that members of Jacob's tribe including himself are actually werewolves. While the CGI on the werewolves was amazing, there are aspects to the werewolf that is far from loved. For me the way that you do not want to make them angry because they will turn into werewolves and can not control themselves necessarily for a moment is very Incredible Hulkesque. This was very unneeded and to me seemed to weaken the tough aspect of a werewolf in a way that was very similar to the weakening of the vampire in the first movie.

While the acting is far from stellar, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner deliver performances that carry the movie. They work well on screen together and have a strong chemistry together that is very evident. Stewart plays the awkward teen role very strong and really helps you believe the pain and suffering she is experiencing in not having Edward there by her side anymore. With the chemistry Stewart and Lautner have it is hard to not want to root for the two of them to end up together at the end of this series. I can see clearly now after seeing this film how the Team Jacob/Team Edward debate took hold with the fans who have read the books.
Unfortunately while Stewart and Lautner had a strong chemistry together, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart seemed very awkward and almost forced. And like any movie based on the lives of teenagers it has its moments where the actors are over the top when not needed.

After seeing this movie I am going to give New Moon two and a half buckets of popcorn out of five. While this may never be a movie that I watch regularly, it is one that could be enjoyable to watch every now and then. The biggest downfall in my mind to New Moon is that it builds for a big climax and at the end it kind of lets you down on giving you a big fight scene that helps give resolution. Guys if you want to earn points with your significant other go out of your way and suggest you rent it some night to watch together.

-The Movie Man-


  1. I thought you were doing the so bad they make you laugh movies on Thursday? jk.
