Thursday, September 16, 2010

Date Night

Finally, I had the chance to see Date Night, having a one year old has really limited the amount of movies we have been able to go see in the theaters. This movie I am sure hit the mark with so many married couples as there lives have become nothing but revolving around work, family and especially kids, with the latter just sapping whatever free time they have in their waking hours, only to find themselves stuck in a wash-rinse-repeat cycle. The film examines in a comical fashion of course, the lifestyle of the typical family with working parents and young children, and how there isn't anything known as personal time, and having routine becoming the rut in their lives.

This film ends up being very straightforward and does not try to be more then it can be. Shawn Levy gives us a romantic comedy that delivers the laughs. They keep things very simple and to the point with really only slowing the pace of the film rarely to inject a dramatic element here and there to help with the core of the story. Even with this being a movie that is a romantic comedy that do some great things with the different action shots. I especially loved the car chase scene through the city, they did a great job at giving us a chase that helped us not only feel a part of the chase but they instill it with some great comedic lines.

Tina Fey and Steve Carrell though make this movie successful. The chemistry between the two of them is impeccable and they really play well off one another. This is shown the greatest throughout the film when both of them are allowed to be very loose with the lines is when they are truly successful. Also when they come across some of the other characters like Wahlberg's shirtless character, to the real Triplehorns played by James Franco and Mila Kunis, there is further hilarity that happens from the great interactions and the precise timing. It is really a great testament to Fey and Carrell's talent with their ability to really bring up the comedic value of those around them.

The finale for this movie is precisely what I would expect from this great over the top movie. It is truly a great ending that plays on some great family comedy. If you have seen it you will know what I mean when I say the great family comedy. Best of all with this movie is that it simply made me laugh throughout. My favorite line has to be the line throughout that deals with guys and when they tilt their gun sideways, "It's a kill shot!"

This movie gives us just some great comedy and gives a message of how we can allow our lives to get into ruts. Fey and Carrell give great performances and their comedic presence and timing is spot on with the great chemistry. For the laughs this film delivered throughout the film I am giving it three and a half buckets of popcorn out of five. This is one that you may definitely want to see and is well worth the price of a rental.

-The Movie Man-

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