Friday, May 14, 2010

Robin Hood

After seeing this movie the first thought that came to my mind was that of a it just be a solid all around movie from the cinematography to the performances. I went in to this movie with high expectations because of the simple fact that the tale of robin Hood has always been a favorite of mine. And the first signs are indeed good, starting as an origin story that traces Robin's steps returning from the Crusades and arriving in Nottingham. The plot is immediately both compelling and fresh with regards to the well known tale.

This was definitely a strong movie, but for me I just had a simple feeling that something was missing. At the end I longed for something extra. I think for me it was a couple of the underdeveloped elements, I mean what is the story with the kids in the forest and the leader with his mask. And while the story flowed I felt that it never lingered which took away from an emotional depth in the characters.

While the score for Robin Hood is not as strong as previous scores that Marc Streitenfeld has given us in the past with Gladiator and Kingdom of Heaven this is still a good score that does help to illicit emotion out of the audience at varying times. The thing that always shows in a movie that takes place during medieval times is that of the costuming and Robin Hood does not disappoint. They paid attention to detail in even the simple peasant pieces to the elegant costumes and jewelery worn by the royal court. It is always great to see costuming that is well done and for the most part historically accurate even though the story is mostly fictional.

The acting is solid and while Crowe delivers an admirable role as Robin Hood, for me Cate Blanchett's Maid Marion steals the movie. It is easy to find yourself rooting for her, she is as feisty as she is attractive and very handy with a bow and arrow. What also helps it work is that of the simple fact that Crowe and Blanchett have great chemistry on screen. Mark Strong who seems to be Hollywood's go to villain gives a solid performance as Godfrey. The rest of the cast all give solid performances.

Ridley Scott delivers a great movie that doesn't try to be bigger,better and more expensive than last years summer hits, and does not give us the special effects overkill. While special effects are great at times it is nice to view a movie every now and then that is simple in the special effects department. Scott gives us a movie where everything comes naturally. the action appears violent, without ever really showing any blood. the funny moments just happen and not in a ha-ha-audience-please-laugh-now way. They also deliver amazing sweeping shots of beautiful English landscapes and forests during the scenes where a lot of ground is being covered.

It is important to remember that this is not your Robin Hood of Kevin Costner, but is a gritty and even darker retelling of this legendary tale. I am giving this three and a half buckets of popcorn out of five. This was definitely well worth the cost of the ticket and I would recommend that anyone make this a priority to see in the theater. Russell Crowe has followed in the recent steps of Depp and Downey Jr. by signing on to a film that will allow him a film franchise.

-The Movie Man


  1. So are you telling me that once again the reviews for this movie were way off? All I have been reading is that this movie was a flop from the critics but I guess that is always a sign that the movie will be good right?

  2. Yeah Jason I think a lot of times critics forget that the reason people go to movies is to be entertained. Critics go to movies to look for what is wrong with movies and it is a job to them.

  3. Well, I agree with many of your comments, but not all. I did not have the feeling of being left up in the air at the end. It was meant to be a prequel of the legend begins. And it ends right where the legend become familiar to us. To have continued on would have been redundant and simple. (Your comments about Iron Man 2 and it being a sequel that just picks up where the story left off fit perfectly here). As far as the boys...that is foreshadowing of the rest of the legend. The mask was worn to hide his identity as they surely would have been arrested, some had left home and not wanting to be identified and they were orphan thieves. The dads and older family supporters had all gone to war and been abandoned by the govt. I agree with your comments about Cate Blanchett and the chemistry between her and Crowe as great. The costuming and sets were wonderful. And Jeff and I actually the white horse on the hill when we were in England!

    So, yes Jason, the critics got it wrong. It is a wonderful movie. I actually give it 4 1/2 buckets.
