Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Total Recall

Total Recall is another one of those movies that I was excited to see from the first trailer. Even though this is a remake from of Total Recall from 1990, I was looking forward to see how they used all the new technology to do this futuristic sci-fi movie. Going in I took the narrative of the original Total Recall out of my mind so that I could completely enjoy the movie and judge it with no bias in my mind. Total Recall ends up being a sci-fi movie that does not try to be more then just that. It take place in a future where most of the Earth is decimated, a factory worked named Doug Quaid can't shake his adventurous dreams. So he heads to Rekall where they can implant any memory a person desires. In the process of becoming his own fantasy of being a secret agent, Quaid discovers that his life is a lie. Lori, who he believed to be his, leads the chase to not only capture but eliminate the awakened Quaid. While Quaid runs into the woman from his dreams, a freedom fighter who tries to persuade Quaid into finding his true identity and leading the cause against oppression of the Colony from the Great Britain Federation. Which is an intriguing nod to the days of when Great Britain was an empire with colonies across the world, and Australia was a colony where they sent the lesser citizens of the empire.

Colin Farrell stars in the role of Quaid and does an alright job in the role. While he has the same perplexed/confused look through most of the film, he does not always act the way his face is giving us. He takes everything a little too much in stride, yet even with that I still found him to be the believable hero. Kate Beckinsale in the role of Lori really stole the show. Beckinsale has not been in these roles where she is the one that the audience is rooting against yet, she really embraced the role and only showed the versatility she has. Beckinsale in the role would not want to be someone I came across in a dark alley, simply because of the ruthlessness she showed as well as her ability to be believable in her ability to the kick the butt of anyone she pleases. I loved the way they used her throughout the movie and the unique way she fought at times, my personal favorite was when she slid across the floor in order to kick Quaid. Jessica Biel, in the role of Melina the freedom fighter and new love interest for Quaid does just okay. I would have liked to have seen more out of Biel because I felt like she was just on cruise control and because of that she is a little forgettable. The supporting cast work well together and from that Bryan Cranston works so well as our main villain of Cohaagen. Cranston has a great ability that even though his role is supporting we know how strong his character is and from that we despise Cohaagen and what he is trying to do.

The story for Total Recall is one that ends up being very minimal and one that does not require the audience to have to think as everything ends up being spelled out pretty clearly to the audience. It is big on action sequences and slight on story, with pauses only to allow the audience to breathe, only to resume with another stunt sequence. Also, the tag line "What is Real?", this remake does not really keep you in suspense in a what is and what is not thought . This was really disappointing , I was expecting psychological sci-fi movie that in the end leaves the audience to think what was and what was not. Len Wiseman in directing with the next generation of moviegoers possibly considered it best if everything was spoon fed. So there's no need to guess as everything gets explained verbatim from the get-go, with every plot and character twist was laid out plainly for the audience. The most important and critical aspect for someone in seeing Total Recall, requires that you junk all memories of the Schwarzenegger version of the file in order to enjoy the new narrative involving a chemical fallout across the World. while they still had a few nods to the original film.

The action in Total Recall is the meat of the movie. The action worked well in that the audience could actually see what was happening and from that they could understand the fight sequences. While Farrell's character in the action worked it was really Beckinsale that did the great job at really how well the sequences worked. while some of the action sequences made you think of other movies after, in the end the action is truly a pedal to the metal feel that you just have to sit back and enjoy the ride that Wiseman takes the audience on. Beckinsale had me in awe to watch because of the finesse and movements she does in the sequences that add a great deal to the movie action sequences  while still looking crazy hot. the pacing was really fast throughout that in the end it felt like the movie was a lot shorter then I thought. The pacing really could have been made a little more slowly and allowed for the story to develop a little deeper.

Total Recall is a fun, adventuresome sci-fi movie. While Colin Farrell is decent in his role, the eye candy of Kate Beckinsale really steals the show as she once again shows how she is more then just a pretty face. Even though the story is barely there the action makes up for it as it continually moves and allows the audience to sit back, enjoy and not have to think, which work at times for a movie. While there are those that do not find the reality of "The Fall" the important thing to remember is this movie is a science fiction movie so implausible things possible in that reality. I found total Recall to be a decent sci-fi movie that is enjoyable that is why I am giving Total Recall three buckets of popcorn out of five. If you are a fan of sci-fi movies this can definitely by a movie that you can sit back and enjoy.

-The Movie Man

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