Thursday, November 17, 2011


Killers is a movie that is strictly pure entertainment, and comes off a little bit more romantic comedy then romantic action movie. Even with this feeling of Killers being a pure kick back popcorn eating movie, it still has its struggles. Initially the storyline for Killers seems like it would work very throughout as the government secret spy assassin falls in love and decides to leave the killing behind for the wonders of a marriage and a house in the suburbs. Unfortunately, Killers ends up being a small grade imitation in many ways of Mr. and Mrs. Smith without the smarts.

The acting in Killers struggles throughout. Katherine Heigl, has a bit of a credibility issue for me playing the nerdy, struggling in love woman. While in Nice with her parents she even comes across acting like an 8th grader because she is embarrassed in front of Kutcher's character to be there with her parents that she actually tells the lie that her father is an ex that is stalking her. Heigl although is enjoyable eye candy on-screen, her character comes off a little boring at times. Kutcher at times comes off as being lost on-screen with the other stars in the film. Kutcher though does have some comedic moments and interactions that make you forget about the other moments when he is lost with the other actors. In supporting roles Tom Selleck and Cather O'Hara are underutilized in the role of the parents. O'Hara while on the plane to Nice has one of the best lines of the movie and really is the epitome of her character, but I will not spoil it for anyone that has not yet seen Killers.

The story in Killers really has a hard time figuring out exactly where it wanted to be. At moments it felt like it tried to be like Mr. and Mrs. Smith so hard that it just failed to be totally cohesive. Also for me the aspect that they lived in the suburbs for three years with no issues only to all of the sudden have trained assassin neighbors it just did not work for me. Kutcher's character is supposed to have been a top spy so even though he is not in the spy game anymore he should have still been able to have the feeling that something was not right with their neighbors. I would have liked to have seen one neighbor being an assassin to be a strong plot move, but having so many jumped that plot point to overkill in my book.

The comedic moments throughout the movie though not always timed perfectly did make me laugh throughout. The chemistry between Heigl and Kutcher does make for good laughs one such moment deals with Heigl carrying a fun and how to properly hide it on her person. To go along with the comedy one of the other aspects that I enjoyed was the overall twist regarding who the antagonist will be through the movie. While I would have greatly enjoyed a stronger development of the antagonist, the twist did make up for that weakness.

Killers struggled throughout with its identity, but was mindless entertainment. I think one of the most glaring aspect for me was the under utilization of the supporting cast. Killers does have some comedic moments that will make you laugh, I am giving Killers two and a half buckets of popcorn out of five. Killers was a film to me that I will have to be in a specific mood for, it is one that will either make you laugh for the comic moments or can make you laugh because of some of the absurd situations.

-The Movie Man

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