Sunday, August 15, 2010

Echelon Conspiracy

Echelon Conspiracy is a decent action thriller. Now I know a lot of people after seeing this may say well isn't this movie just like Eagle Eye and Enemy of the State. While they all follow a very similar storyline along political lines, Echelon Conspiracy takes its own view and makes the story its own. Truthfully, anyone that is that picky about a movie should maybe not watch movies because there are a lot of movies that are very similar, and it is important to remember tat a movie is meant to entertain. This movie did a great job at keeping me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire film.

The acting in this film is alright with nothing spectacular. Martin Sheen is probably the biggest name in this movie and really just ends up having a fairly small role and plays the typical head of any three lettered agency and really does not bring anything new to this stereotypical role. Shane West as the lead is nothing special, but does a solid job. He has his believable moments, but then others where he really struggles to be the lead and the hero that you want to root for.

However the acting may have been better with possibly a better script. It really could have been a lot better right off the bat if they would have just not tried to have the humor.  These attempts at humor ultimately fail and really make the film look a little childish at times. Surprisingly, one of the things that really makes this film for me are the visuals and the music. They do a great job at giving you the feeling for the different cities that the film takes place in.

It's only let down is when the conspiracy is uncovered, leading to an ending that is resolved in a very cliché manor, which is a shame, as it could have made the movie more enjoyable if new aspects were brought in, giving it a better twist. Also, some of the characters play seemingly, very confused roles, switching sides from 'good' to 'bad' with no real explanation as such.

This movie is just a good time. It will not blow your socks off with anything, but does give a solid performance that one could sit and enjoy. With this just being a decent film I am giving it three buckets of popcorn out of five. This is one that if bored and looking for a good thriller rent and give it a try.

-The Movie Man-

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