When in Rome is a fun, romantic comedy that serves up some laughs and in terms of a chick flick movie is very serviceable and enjoyable to watch. While the storyline is not as strong as other romantic comedies it did try to be different and unique. With the great cast of rising stars it was great to see them make die with the at times cheesy plot and dialogue. Although this movie would never win any awards it was defintiely enjoyable.
Both Bell and Duhamel shine in their roles. I was greatly impressed to see Duhamel conitnue to show his great acting abilities. He plays the flawed charmer role perfectly that makes the audience not only believe his portrayal but totally endears himself to the audience. Bell works alright in character although she does seem awkward in her role at times. Yet even with herself being awkward she has some great chemistry with Duhamel and they both seem to work well off one another.
The supporting cast does a great job. I really enjoyed the roles of the other male suitors whose coins Bell takes out of the fountain. DeVito and Heder are definitely great in playing the different unique suitors. Heder's brand of street magic is hilarious and when he breaks in to Bell's apartment to perform the "Mummy Escape" got a great laugh out of me. Devito you simply enjoy with him being the sausage king, and he gives a great creepy feeling in his chasing after Bell.
While I did like the way that they came about the story in a new way and even took the usual way that the guy loses the girl, the dialogue was very lackluster. I think they had a great story especiall about the "fontana de amore" but unfortunately do not give the story of the fountain its due. I think part of this may be that a good portion of it was left on the cutting room floor. They had a tendency to take some of the for laugh moments and string them too long. One such example was that of the vase breaking in the wedding.
This movie was decent and I did enjoy it. It was a good entertainment and a movie that is easy to allow you to cuddle up with a loved one. I am giving this movie three buckets of popcorn out of five. This is definitely one worth renting.
-The Movie Man-